January Birthdays!
Doreen Kelsey - January 16th
Kent Cravens - January 25th
Greg Hallstrom - January 26th
Brent Melville - January 27th
Lance Ellis - January 31st
6. Don Chalmers Memorial Grant applications due by February 29th!
Applications are now open for our next round of Don Chalmers Memorial Grant applications, and they are due by February 29th. Updated information for this year's grants including the application is available on our Club website home page. Please consider whom you would nominate and submit an application so we can have ample candidates when we start our vetting process.
Rotary Happenings
January is Vocational Service Month. Activities such as the "Retro" Meeting that we had earlier this year and will have again on March 2nd is just one example of our focus on Vocational Service.

And here's the theme for this upcoming Rotary year!

District Happenings
1. District Blood Drive Challenge:
Governor John Drusedum's blood drive challenge has been extended through the end of February. For more information on the Blood Drive challenge, please contact President Jeff or Club Service Project Chair, Brent Melville.
2. Rotary Leadership Institute
The next session of the Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) will be January 28, 2023 on zoom. If you are interested in learning more about Rotary and/or if you are interested in getting into Rotary Leadership, the RLI has the best offerings within Rotary International. Many of our members have been through RLI and now serve as instructors/facilitators. Don't miss out on this great opportunity. And as per Rotary Foundation Donations Chair Mark Abramson, we'll be giving Paul Harris Fellow Recognitions to those members who attend and graduate RLI! Here is the link to register (you will need to login to register - contact President Jeff or Secretary Meredith if you're having issues with your login):
3. District Newsletter
Below is a link to the latest District Newsletter with all the District Happenings. Please check it out!
Central Area (Albuquerque and surrounding area) Happenings
Please check out the link below for up-to-date happenings in the Central Area of our District (e.g., Albuquerque, Rio Rancho, Socorro, etc.)! There are a number of projects and activities that we can support.
Please feel free to call, text, or e-mail President Jeff (1-505-400-1403, jweinrach5520@nmia.com) if you have any feedback or suggestions for future Bulletin content or if you have any feedback or questions about any aspect of our Club.