New Clubrunner login procedure.
1)  In the upper right corner of the page, click on:  Member Login
2)  If this is your first time or you do not know your login or password, click on: New and existing users: retrieve login and/or reset password
3) Your will be redirected to a page:  Retrieve Login Information.  Enter your Name and Email address.  You will be sent a link to reset your password.
4) Log into your account with these credentials.  Save your credentials for future access.
5) When the home page appears, in the upper right hand corner near Welcome[name], now click on: Member Area
6) You will now be viewing Admin area.  Across the top you will see numerous tabs.  Admin |  My ClubRunner  |  Communication  |  Bulletin  |  Contacts (Beta)Membership  |  Organization  |  RI Integration  |  Attendance 3.0 (Beta)  |  Website  |  Reports  |  Events  |  Help  
7)  Click on My ClubRunner,  then underneath this selct My Profile.  click on the Edit button and begin updating your records.  After editing all fields, make sure to select Save at the bottom of the form
Please contact us if you need addtional support.
James Morrison -
Herman Haase -